Interview with Bahar Krahn

By Bahar Krahn, founder NOELIE

Many people always ask what drives me, inspires me and how NOELIE came about. In fact, it was a very long journey that also involved self-discovery and values. We women live so many roles in one life that sometimes we no longer know where we come from, where we want to go and who we are right now. But what we often interpret as a weakness is also our superpower. I like to draw on my primal feminine power and all its complexity! And the numerous customers who have been with me for over a decade have also inspired me and strengthened the source from which NOELIE was allowed to emerge.

Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day - so today I'm telling you how I found my path and hope to give you the courage to follow yours and trust in your primal feminine power!

Your life motto?

“Transformation starts inside – every change begins within ourselves.

It doesn't matter what issues you carry within you, what challenges you want to tackle or what you specifically want to change in your life. True change that makes a difference in your life starts within.”

How would you describe yourself in three words?

“Appreciative, open-hearted, with a love of detail.”

How would your employees describe you?

“Inspirational, determined and full of knowledge. It's unbelievable how much is in her head. No matter what product, what plant, Bahar knows everything about it!”

Is there something you would like to change about yourself?

“I would like to be able to switch off better. I simply carry my company in my heart and therefore take a lot of things home with me. If I were let, I could stand in the laboratory 24 hours a day and test great active ingredients. I develop new products in my head every free minute, mentally move ingredients back and forth and look for the best possible formulation. I would also like to enjoy more time with my loved ones. I still have to learn a bit to find that balance.”

What do you want to bring into the world?

“Joie de vivre – and most importantly: it’s never too late to START AGAIN!”

Why did you found NOELIE?

“I was missing a 100% promise in the natural cosmetics scene: pure, effective and certified natural cosmetics did not yet exist in this form. Now I can offer this 100% to uncompromising followers of the clean beauty movement and all my customers.”

What was your key moment to look for alternatives?

“During my PTA training, a professor once mentioned that biopsies in the breast and uterus, but especially in the bladder, always show residues of toxins. What particularly stood out here were synthetic color pigments that enter the body when hair is dyed. They particularly like to settle in these three organs because the body cannot break them down. I was completely shocked and I immediately knew that, firstly, I would warn everyone I knew and secondly, I definitely had to find an alternative. Of course, my mother was already dyeing her hair at that time and I definitely didn’t want her to continue to be exposed to these toxins.”

Why herbal hair colors?

“It is now known from studies that regular hair coloring or working with the appropriate products significantly increases the risk of breast and bladder cancer. You don't suspect it, it's proven. And yet it remains tolerated because everyone does it. It is mercilessly trivialized.

Another reason is our environment. You have to imagine how much poison from a conventional hairdressing and cosmetics shop ends up in our environment every day. Packaging, toxic substances – not to mention nano-plastic parts. Our sewage treatment plants cannot handle these super-small particles that are contained in paints, shampoos and conditioners. So they end up in our groundwater. I want to help ensure that my daughter can grow up in an intact world.”

What was your biggest challenge along the way?

“It was so difficult to find clean ingredients that I was really desperate at times. My aim was to find an alternative for every toxic and harmful substance - but they weren't easy to find. Even organically grown raw materials are sometimes genetically manipulated or chemically modified after harvest, all of which is completely permitted. And then I wanted one hundred percent: cultivation, processing, extraction, bottling, sustainable plastic-free packaging that does not release any toxins into the product, Made in Germany. For me everything had to be uncompromisingly clean. You can only be sure with certified natural cosmetics, as everything is clearly regulated here. If I have gray hair, it will be from this time.”

What is the meaning of the lines on the packaging?

“There is 100% love and all my skills and knowledge in every NOELIE product. Each product was given “life” and the lines on the packaging are the life lines that I was allowed to give it. I drew the lines on the packaging myself and made it clear once again that every single creation bears my signature and was made with love. Life runs according to its own rhythm: sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. It's not just straight forward.

When you stand in the bathroom in the morning and see the lines on the NOELIE packaging, remember this - no matter what is going on in your life, a new beginning is always possible. Every day, every hour, every second. This is my message to you - a symbol that should encourage you to always get up and keep going, because a new beginning is possible at any time."

What does sustainability mean to you?

“For me, sustainability has nothing to do with green packaging. In the same way, for me vegan doesn't mean healthy - silicones are also vegan (laughs). For me, sustainability means living in a way that conserves resources. So consciously and carefully considered. I don't want to be subconsciously controlled by the short-winded economic zeitgeist, advertising or constantly new ideologies. I always think about what impact my actions will have on my fellow human beings, the environment and our future. It is important to draw the appropriate conclusions from this and take responsibility. If you want, you can find ways to use resources carefully while respecting and preserving people, animals, nature and culture. For me, that’s sustainable.”

How do you start your day in the bathroom?

“I first brush myself in the morning - I need my brush massage in the morning to clear my body, my mind and therefore my soul and to be ready for the day. When my head is tense, my energy simply doesn't flow. Brushing relaxes me. And the first thing I pick up is the Grow & Shine Treatment Essence. I massage it into my scalp because it absorbs it really well.”

Which is my favorite active ingredient?

“Oh, that’s difficult because there are so many great active ingredients! I have several - when it comes to hair care, I love the Rose of Jericho because it can store an incredible amount of moisture and transfers this property to the hair. For skin care, I choose the retinol extract from the Indian mat bean: It has all the positive properties of retinol, but none of the side effects that occur with the synthetic version. The cells are completely regenerated and collagen synthesis is stimulated - a true hero in the lifting sector!

How will NOELIE develop in 2023?

“My vision, my wish for NOELIE is to continue to play a pioneering role in sustainable and effective natural cosmetics at the highest scientific standards. We would also like to develop further in terms of climate and environmental protection: conserve resources, become a climate-positive company, use nature's natural cycle.

The topic of effectiveness and product performance is at the top of my agenda. We want to create the best effect for skin, hair and well-being and at the same time not have a negative impact on people and nature. The functionality of our products should also become easier: Wouldn't it be great if you no longer had to mix our Healing Herbs Hair Color separately? I really enjoy working on solutions here! If it works? It remains exciting...

Do you have personal goals for 2023?

As I said before, I have a tendency towards perfectionism. By the way, this is also a predominant issue for us women. This makes me set big goals and implement them - but it also makes me dissatisfied.

Because nothing in the world is “perfect”. But “Perfect”. That's why I'm allowed to grow internally and externally this year and practice “being complete”. Completely good as I am, completely individual, completely satisfied. And through perfection, I will also be more satisfied.