New beginning
By Bahar Krahn, founder NOELIE
The name NOELIE means new beginning, or day of birth. It was fitting in many ways: for me it was a completely new beginning to develop my own cosmetics line.
With NOELIE , a completely new level of active ingredient cosmetics was born in the organic segment. And it is also the name of my daughter, whose birth marked the beginning of a whole new era for me and my husband and we were, so to speak, reborn as parents and a small family.
A new beginning can have many faces and offer opportunities. And right now, when a new year has begun, the air seems full of the energy of reinventing yourself and good resolutions.
Regardless of whether the year is just beginning, we can choose to start over every second of our lives. Sometimes this decision is preceded by a tiny detail - and sometimes we go through a long process before we can make a decision. But one thing remains the same: change begins within us and then manifests itself externally.
Take a look: How are you feeling now?
How is your soul, what does it long for? Are you filling your mind with the things your soul needs? How do you care for the temple, your body, in which the two reside? Are you in harmony?
With everything you absorb, you influence what happens outside. If you feed your mind with positive things, positive things will also happen on the outside. If you deal with fears and worries, this will also be reflected in your surroundings.
So realize that you are the creator of your reality. Think of it like a vessel: the colors you put into it determine the end result, what you radiate and who and what is attracted to it. And you can reinvent this color again and again. Every day of your life.
And you don't have to move mountains to do it: it's often small things that have a big impact.
Detox – trend or important?
So: your everyday life, your reality is determined by your mindset. What happens outside begins inside you.
Your body works the same way: If you eat a lot of sugar and treat yourself with products that contain heavy preservatives and nanoplastics, all of this will eventually find an external manifestation. For example in the form of impurities and large-pored skin. If you drink too little, wrinkles quickly appear and if you don't sleep enough, you can see this in the shadows under your eyes.
So it makes sense to detoxify not only the mind, but also the body. And giving up sugar and alcohol is good for both your skin and your body after the convivial Christmas season.
The acid-base balance plays an important role here. Most of the time, the result of “too much” or “too little” is hyperacidification, which can have both internal and external consequences. Internally, hyperacidity, for example, impairs digestion or puts our immune system in distress. Externally, it is often impurities or irritations, hair loss or hot flashes that indicate an imbalance. Everything in the world rests on a certain balance.
So is it important to detox regularly? I think it's always important to relieve pressure when something is too much. Detoxification means removing something that wasn't good for you. And these can also be things that are okay or even healthy in moderation, such as red wine. Sometimes such detox treatments are a suitable new beginning to make lasting changes.
It can also be simple
Most people associate detoxification with losing something they actually like. But that doesn't have to be the case. How about if I showed you a few routines today that will help you gain something from your detox?
Today I'm giving you a few little routines that will help your body detoxify and purify from head to toe, while also completely renewing your cells. At the end of these beauty routines, you will feel reborn without having given up anything.
And another little reminder: your mindset determines how you see the world! Of course, you can be in a bad mood every day because you miss out on your favorite chocolate. You can also breathe deeply every morning, close your eyes and feel how energized your body feels. You'll be happy when the impurities on your facial skin become fewer and fewer and you might even shed a kilo or two without any effort.
Your focus decides.
Clear your mind
Through your scalp pores you can get rid of a lot of what got stuck during the holidays. Whether energetically or in the form of slags, with a boar bristle brush massage you can thoroughly remove everything that doesn't belong on your scalp. And it gets even better: shine, volume and bounce appear all on their own. Used regularly, your scalp can purify better and more effectively. The hair grows faster and is well cared for right down to the roots because you stimulate blood circulation when brushing . This way you can also regulate a scalp that becomes greasy too quickly. Because rapid greasing shows, on the one hand, that you wash your hair too often and, on the other hand, that your scalp wants to get rid of a lot.
And you know what? The whole thing only takes 5 minutes, but it changes your entire hair and scalp health for the better!
Once you have pre-cleaned your scalp with the brush and got your metabolism going, it's time for step 2:
Deep cleansing with our Cleansing & Purifying Treatment from the Healing Herbs range.
You can use it once or twice a week or every now and then, just as it fits into your care routine.
To regularly support this balancing and cleansing effect, wash with our Scalp Stimulating & Purifying Shampoo . With organic active ingredients, it revitalizes your hair roots and supports strong and healthy hair growth. At the same time, with its calming and healing components, it optimally supports the functions of your scalp and actively intervenes where an imbalance arises. Of course, lengths and tips are also optimally cared for and protected by cold-pressed oils. By the way: If one of your planned new beginnings is a switch to herbal hair colors or natural hair care, you can prepare your hair and scalp perfectly with this routine!
Have you ever heard of double cleansing? Our skin has a very complex metabolism and today's environmental influences are making it increasingly difficult. For example, did you know that road dust and exhaust fumes are not water-soluble? This means that if you only cleanse with warm water in the evening without a preparation, the majority of these irritating substances remain on the skin. Most make-up is also not water-soluble and requires an aid.
We have not just one, but two gentle cleaning solutions for all of this. Because we also want to stimulate skin renewal.
You start with our Moisturizing Enzyme Face Cleansing Balm . This is a 3-in-1 cleanser and in addition to cleansing, it also nourishes and refines. Even heavier make-up is removed here gently but thoroughly. Antioxidants strengthen your cells and extracts of edelweiss and pansy also protect against harmful environmental influences. The fermented pumpkin enzymes act like a gentle enzyme peeling and leave your skin feeling fine, relaxed and soft to the touch. Your skin looks rejuvenated and reborn. In the second step, you lather our Purifying & Balancing Face Cleansing Gel together with warm water on your facial skin. It is so gentle that it does not destabilize your hydro-lipid coat and PH value even in the second cleaning step. Super foods such as ginger, white tea and calendula stimulate cell renewal and promote the natural formation of collagen and elastin. Your skin appears clean, plump and firm.
Peeling – detox for the skin
A peeling removes the dead skin cells on the surface and stimulates the skin's regenerative powers. Pigment disorders, impurities and enlarged pores are counteracted and the skin immediately appears finer, clearer and firmer.
So if your skin wants to recover from the strain of the Christmas marathon, you can optimally support it with a peeling treatment. Our Hydra Lift Stimulating Peeling Mask is a multi-talent in renewal: it is not only cleansing and skin-clarifying, but also invigorating, firming, firming and provides ultimate moisture. The fruit acids contained in papaya and pineapple support the jojoba pearls and apricot kernels in their pigment-reducing and clarifying effects. The list of super foods and beneficial extracts it contains is long, so we didn't skimp on it.
At this point, however, the antioxidant power of the anthocyanins, obtained from the aronia berry, is particularly important to me. Cell-damaging free radicals are caught, the connective tissue is strengthened and the skin is repaired in depth. It doesn't just help to exfoliate for the moment - your skin receives exactly the protection it needs against today's environmental influences.
The plump, pleasantly saturated care feeling in and on your skin will give you many little newborn moments. You can easily incorporate the mask into your regular care routine.
Charge batteries
No matter whether body, mind or soul: every change begins within you. Hair and skin care must also work there.
Our NOELIE products all aim to always work in the right place and to noticeably and visibly care for your skin to become the best version of itself. But sometimes you also need an extra booster to regenerate tired and, above all, stressed skin: The Prebiotic Skin Recharge Treatment is an energy booster with an immediate effect and transports its active ingredients into the deepest layers of the skin in a matter of seconds.
The fermented honey from the rare black bee stimulates your skin's self-healing powers: If it is really out of balance, you can use this treatment for 28 days to completely accompany your skin renewal process.
Winter tip: This rejuvenation treatment is an absolute SOS product for overstressed, dry and cracked hands: the skin heals completely and can protect itself again.
And the little pillows?
There is nothing more beautiful than plump, well-groomed curves. But after the delicious holiday meal, the dross strikes mercilessly here too. Small, unpleasant bumps, called cellulite, are a result of such slagging. But sagging, dry areas of skin on other parts of the body also make us regret every spoonful of sauce.
Good thing an herb grew here too and I found it. Because the Ultimate Body Firming Complex helps you quickly eliminate these traces. The anti-aging body serum is the answer to every skin sagging that can happen to us. 20 cold-pressed oils, cell-stimulating Ayurvedic medicine and many other active ingredients counteract all signs of sagging skin aging so that the décolleté, neck, arms and thighs do not become problem areas.

Regardless of whether you need a renewal or want to prevent it: with this serum the next Christmas can come calmly.
A little bit better every day
Which of these little routines suits you and your new beginning? You see, it can be small or big things that make us start over. Likewise, big and small helpers to master our good resolutions.
Everything in the world has its own individual shape and rhythm. So you are unique, which is why it is never possible to assume that you are “better” or “worse” - you are good, just as you are! Look at which forms and rhythms enrich you instead of burdening you, where do you feel happiness, what makes you lively and strong?
Make every day your new beginning. Feel what you need and if you don't like your world: change your mindset. You and your life are too precious to be shaped by external circumstances.
Make the best possible decisions for yourself. Every day.
At NOELIE there are no compromises, no guilty conscience. We advise you individually on big and small helpers. All alone for you and every new beginning.
Happy New Year!